This is the view from the pyramid stage when you dont want to be i a crowd and wanna lie down and see the screens........if you really dont want to be near anyone there is the hill, bit of a hike but worth it, since there were a few mini stampedes going on below. This is the Main stage and we were camped bout 20 metres away from it which was ok cos it doesnt go on all night long, not that we could sleep much anyway!

This random pole was in the middle of our campsite (our three tents so we bought a very gay flag and put it to find if we were lost.....worked out well. Plus our little area started attracting other gay campers!

This is in the kareoke tent where we spent the last bit of the night cos it was near our tent and pretty fun even if they did only sell rum :( These guys were dressed as foxes and so Pete has his mask on.....and even if i smile still looks like iam having a rubbish time!

These flags were pretty cool to they did have a whole field of them which looked like a scene out of lord of the rings or something (geek).

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